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The 27th annual Dances With Films: LA is ongoing from June 20-30th. The Los Angeles’ leading independent film festival has an array of films and genres, with screenings at the TCL Chinese Theatre (6925 Hollywood Blvd). There are 152 short films (101 narrative and 20 documentaries, 13 KIdz section, 18 Downbeat/Music), and I have reviewed a few.

How I Roll – West Coast Premiere – Documentary Shorts Block 4

Logline: Facing unthinkable hardships- murder, loss, battling MS for over 25+ years, documentary subject Robin Cohen impressively defies the odds, finding light, despite the darkness.

To watch this documentary about New York based Robin Cohen is to view a very strong woman with a positive attitude despite her challenges and experiences in life. She travels in the city with her scooter despite her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) condition. She does not want to be considered a “victim.” She chose sports to deal with her MS, and not have anyone live with her to be cared for. She feels she must deal with the “anxiety created in her head.”

Robin Cohen relates the story of her parents. Her father was shot dead, and her mother survived multiple gunshot wounds. Robin moved to care for her paralyzed mom. She is the youngest of 4 girls. She also talks about Mitch who she married and had two children with. He had a cancer diagnosis and passed away.  

About the making of the film: Robin was inspired to make this film from witnessing an alarming rise in teen suicides and what she feels is a societal shift towards the need of instant gratification. She embarked on a mission to create a film of her journey with Multiple Sclerosis and the struggles she faces. Her hope is that this film will serve as a source of motivation and inspiration by emphasizing the power of a positive mindset. Robin states in the film, “Combat the challenges with dignity and grace” in your mind.

About the filmmakers: New York based filmmakers Brianne Berkson and Miguel Gluckstern are both descendents of Holocaust survivors. They know first-hand how traumatic experiences can make or break the human spirit. They feel it’s their responsibility to share stories of hope, strength, perseverance, especially in the face of adversity. How I Roll is a film that certainly achieves this mission.

The film is directed, edited, and produced by Briguel, along with the music. In the film notes, this statement is provided. “We were immediately inspired by Robin’s story. In addition to fusing so many interesting topics together – including true crime, loss, loneliness, mental health and living with a disability. Robin’s story, more importantly, is one of resilience.”

RUN TIME: 13 minutes

Source: Briguel, Dances With Films Festival
